Deadlines a Big Part of a Writer’s Life

Sometimes writing with a deadline hovering over your head can be a harrowing experience for any writer. As a writer, for me it means total dedication – forsaking everything while I feverishly work to get an article handed in on time. I suppose deadlines are important, as they give you a bit of a challenge. With a specific time set for you, you know there’s little time for anything else, no wasting time. Writing requires dedication I know all about those panicky moments when I can see that I’m not going to make the deadline.


Yes, we all have those emergencies that crop up and infringe on the time we’ve set aside to reach a deadline. For me a writer’s life is therefore all about time management so that you don’t have to ask for an extension of time to meet the deadline. If you’ve got a writing task that has to be completed in a day or too, start on it immediately – after all your goal, like mine, will be to build up a successful reputation as a writer who can be relied upon to deliver. You want to be known as someone who is not likely to let their clients down. Whether a freelancer or full-time writer, be organised and keep your clients updated on your progress. Yes, deadlines may get you stressed and panicky sometimes, but that’s what keeps you on your toes in the first place.

Web Article Writing

Web article is a specific art. Articles for websites will require knowledge of SEO and HTML, blogs on the other hand often don’t. Both need fresh, original material, and you can provide it. Writing for a website is quite different from normal article writing.

Web Article writing

Secrets to write great web content and Article

  • Research their information from various sources, learn the basics and identify reliable sources of information. Look for information that will engage and inform the reader.
  • Write original and fresh material. Be individual and imaginative. Imagination is what creates great articles and content that can provide unique image to the websites.
  • Present the article in a beautiful way. Presentation magnifies the value of an article.
  • Edit and correct you article. Even people with great grammar can make mistakes. The best way to improve quality is to review your article and make improvements/corrections.

An article writer has to be reliable, if you promise two articles by tomorrow then deliver two – no excuses. This leads nicely onto know your limits. Enthusiasm is great and something we encourage but making too many commitments that you cannot keep effects everybody, proofreader, project manager, client and untimely yourself. A professional approach to the work and to colleagues is also a necessity but the fun thing is you can work at your own comforts! Through our team work we are all growing, learning and developing and are always ready to welcome a new article writer to the team. Look here to find more tips on writing.

Secret to becoming a Great Writer

Have you ever thought what are the things that makes a great writer? Is it easy to become good at writing? No there is no easy path. It requires lots of hard work. However you can change your routine in such a way that will help you achieve your dream.

Becoming a good writer
Become a great writer…Yes you can do it!

There is very little gap between good and great. The only thing which differentiates them is the thought process. Here are few tips which will help you improve and become great.

  • Read the good writers – As I have already emphasized the importance of reading in the last post, I do not need to say more on this point. Only thing to add is read the writer who inspires you the most.
  • Write and write – This is hard work. If you love writing, then do it as much as possible. Do not limit yourself, be free while writing. You will surely learn and grow.
  • Jot down the ideas – If you cannot write on the idea you are having currently, make sure to write it down. Keep a log of your ideas. This is how writers develop amazing skills.
  • Check what you have written – Always revisit and find out the mistakes. We are the best judge of what our writing is. So revise regularly.
  • Get feedback – Constant feedback helps you to improve your writing. If you can get the feedback from an established writer nothing like it!
  • Write like you are talking – Imagine yourself as talking while you write. The best writers are those who can converse well with the reader.


Reading Helps you write better

What you read influences what you think. Most of the great writers were avid readers. It does not prove that if you read you can write. However it helps to read.

If you really want to become a writer by profession it is essential to read a lot. It is impossible to teach how to write. Taking a degree in literature does not guarantee that you can write well. Grammar is another issue, and ability to write is completely isolated.

Learn to read more

So here we will try to answer the question – How does reading help?

  • Vocabulary – One of the primary advantages is the increase in vocabulary. The more you read you will encounter new words. You may not encounter these words in daily life. This adds up to your collection of words and enriches your vocabulary.
  • Inspiration – Reading inspires to write. If you like a certain writer, you will start thinking in his language style. No I am not joking. It is true.
  • Learning – When you read writings by accomplished writers you learn a lot from them. It is the style, paragraph setting and what not.
  • Information – Information is best gathered when you read. Incidentally there is no substitute to gathering information by reading.
  • So it can be safely stated that, reading makes you better. It is just like exercises which keep your body healthy. Reading does the same for the brain. Keeps it in good shape!!!!!!

Can you actually be a writer?

If you have wanted to be a writer all your life, you have probably heard this from a number of people. The world of writing is rather competitive, and there is a statistical probability that you might not become the next Oscar Wilde. But that does not mean that you will not be able to make money out of your writing. That does not mean that you will not be widely read, either.

Every person has a story inside them, one that is waiting to burst out. Make sure you write that story. Write it with all your passion, make sure that you give it your all. Reach out to other writers, make sure you build connections with other writers and publishers. It is highly important for you to maintain the right kind of connections in any industry- the writing world included.

Can you be a writer

Don’t feel too scared of trying out other mediums of writing. There are a number of big writers who started out as newspaper writers, or even bloggers! Make use of any platform that helps you reach out to a wide base of readers- you never know how far that can take you.

Being a writer can be an uphill task, but like most uphill tasks, the reward waiting on top of the hill will be worth all the effort you are required to put into it.

Getting Over Writer’s Block

There are two words that can send a shiver down any writer’s spine- and those two words are writer’s block. Every writer has to deal with these some time or the other. It takes a huge emotional toll on the writer, who relies on their writing for emotional and psychological release.

If you are trying to overcome your writer’s block, you have to keep certain things in mine. First of all, you are brave for trying to get over the writer’s block in the first place. Second of all, this happens to almost every writer at some point of time or the other. It will pass- this is not something permanent. You should also keep in mind that there is a chance none of the normal tips for overcoming writer’s block will work on you. This is a condition that is extremely varied and personal, so don’t feel too let down.

How to overcome writer's block

You should not stop writing just because you are facing a writer’s block. Sit down and write something- anything- for at least 15 or 20 minutes. It does not have to make sense, it does not even have to be grammatically correct. If you see something that has inspired you, or something that has made you feel happy, write about it. You will slowly regain your ideas and you will be able to start writing.