Essay writing tips

Essay writing

Essay writing is an art which has to be nurtured over a period of time. It seems difficult to begin with, but can be relatively painless if you follow some basic steps of essay writing.

(1) Brainstorm for the right topic which is then just a broad area for you to research. The best way to refine the topic is to brainstorm around the topic with friends and family. The social media is a good place to get ideas from brainstorming

(2) Prepare an outline – After brainstorming gather the relevant ideas and prepare an outline with these ideas.

(3) Writing the introduction paragraph – The start of any essay is the starting paragraph where you put your perspective of the topic. Go ahead and write it as it can focus you for the ne t part.

(4) Write the body – All the information which is organized in second step has to be put into words in the body of the essay.

(5) Write the conclusion and check for errors – The last step is writing the concluding part and then checking it for errors. The best way is to give the work to someone else for proofing. You can also use online tools for proofing but ensure you double check what is changed as online tools might not convey the sentiment or sense of what you are saying in the writing.